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The Writer
5. jun. 20233 min læsning
The background picture explained
The picture shown on the frontpage holds great meaning to me. It serves as a reminder of where I've been and where I'm going. However, I...
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The Writer
7. maj 20233 min læsning
Why I left it all
Three weeks after my final high school exam I left my life in Denmark and moved to China. I hadn't made a lot of thoughts as to what I...
111 visninger0 kommentarer
The Writer
12. apr. 20232 min læsning
I am not smart
And I use it to my advantage. So what do I mean by this? To be clear, I'm not useless or somehow mentally incapable. However, retention...
135 visninger0 kommentarer
The Writer
1. apr. 20231 min læsning
The day I started thinking..
Literally. I distinctively recall the day I gained consciousness. It was in kindergarten, must've been 3 years old and I was playing in...
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